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IDPLR Free PLR Membership Lifetime Deal

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IDPLR Free PLR Membership Lifetime Deal

12,590+ PLR Products Which You Can Resell And Keep 100% Of The Profits!

#1 PLR membership Since 2008

100k members and growing

Updated almost DAILY

Feature over 12,500 products with Private Label and Resale rights licenses, which mean that you can SELL, EDIT or even CLAIM the product inside as your own!

  • eBooks
  • Videos
  • Graphics
  • Templates
  • Articles
  • Audios

IDPLR been helping THOUSANDS Of Webmasters & Marketers Start & Grow their own Internet Business… Today Is YOUR Turn!

Being in the business since 2008 and with over 100.000 members, IDPLR is—by far—the largest and most reputable PLR membership on the Internet. Why can we say this? Let’s find out.


Take a look what’s included in the membership

6315+ eBooks

If you buy a single ebook from this collection somewhere else, you’ll have to pay $27, $47 or even $97. But here, you are getting PLR ebooks for much less than a penny each. Not to mention the high profits you can generate from each of them since many titles come with resell and private label rights.

1707+ Videos

IDPLR offers more than 857 videos packages. Some of the packages include up to 50 videos, so we’re talking about 1000’s of PLR videos individually! Since most of them are made by Internet Marketing Pros, you can learn marketing secrets right from millionaires.

1330+ Software

Software is one of the most lucrative vehicles to secure your financial freedom, and you don’t even have to be a programmer to start your PLR software resale business.

604+ Graphic Packs

Visually-stunning graphics can do wonders to set your online business apart from its competitors. Some of the packages you get include hundreds of PLR graphics: headers, banners, order/buy buttons, icons, testimonial boxes, logos, add to cart buttons, guarantee badges, pricing tables, credit card & membership card templates, cover graphics, headlines, guarantee boxes and many other graphics you can imagine. Resale them or use for your own sites — it’s up to you!

1219+ Templates

Same as graphic packs, some of the template packages includes up to 50 PLR templates, so we’re talking about 1000’s of them individually. You’ll find PLR squeeze pages, landing pages, sales letters, WordPress themes, minisites, HTML & CSS templates and many others!

260+ Audio Packs

Some of the PLR music categories include tutorials, training, music tracks, hypnotherapy, motivational, depression hypnotherapy and many others!

1200+ TurnKey Sites

Turnkey websites can be a good spring board for someone new to Internet marketing to experiment with. Start your own banner exchange, car, affiliate, real estate or other niche directory website in just a couple of clicks!

200,000+ PLR Articles

We know that until now you have been paying minimum $5 for a small article. But here, you’re getting tens of thousands of PLR articles for less than a penny each. Numerous categories like weight loss, Internet Marketing, etc, are sorted in packages for you to download anytime you want.

IN TOTAL: You Get 12,590 Packages – Over 45,000 Products Individually!

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PLUS… Daily New PLR Product Releases

IDPLR release new products almost on daily basis since 2008. Your membership includes access to the current 12,500+ PLR products as well as all future releases, as long as your membership is active!

Access to “Live Preview”

Look inside each product folder without having to download it on the hard drive! This feature will save you a lot of time as you can choose which product you want to download first. Live preview will show you:

  • product folder with all the subfolders and files inside
  • first 5 pages of every pdf, doc and txt file inside
  • first 20 seconds of every video or audio file
  • all the ecovers and graphics
  • file license with exact product terms

Members “PLR Product Creation”

You, as a member of, can submit your own ideas for private label rights products you want to see created every month. Your ideas will be placed in queue on our product creation schedule. You will get the product once it is complete as part of the regular membership. This is what makes IDPLR the best PLR membership in the whole world; one place for all your business needs.

Members “PLR Products Request”

Found any master resell or private label product which is not listed on our site? Just let us know. If the license terms allow us, we will purchase it and list that product for you to download immediately for free. Again; one place for all your business needs.

Member’s PLR Training

IDPLR supply you with all the PLR tutorials you need to get started, even if you’re a compete newbie. In step by step tutorials, we will show you how to make money with PLR products, how to edit a PLR sales page using free tools (even if you don’t know anything about HTML), how to upload the products on the web, how to create a unique PLR product for maximum earnings, how to create a website, drive traffic… everything!

First Class Support

The name really says it all. Members have access to our priority first-class support where we will answer your questions in a record breaking time.

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We want you to take full advantage of your membership, so you will also receive…

eCover Creator Software

Create high quality 3D eBook, Software, Vista boxes, DVD or Membership card covers in 15 minutes or less — There’s absolutely no experience needed and no design or other “tech” knowledge required. Use eCover software to create unlimited 3D covers for all your new products or packages! Click here to see demo. We also offer PLR eCover Software for you to rebrand and charge access.

10GB’s of Web Space

You don’t have to buy hosting elsewhere because your membership includes 5GB 10GB of space on powerful Quad Core server with unlimited traffic, unlimited mysql, email… IDPLR web hosting is compatible with all the popular tools which most of the internet marketers use: CMS systems, memberships software, shopping carts, forums and others. You don’t have to worry about installing any of the latest applications.

WP Sales Page Creator

WP Sales Copy is a kick-ass WordPress plugin that gives you the power to quickly generate stunning sales pages, squeeze pages and opt-in landing pages from scratch, all through a point-and-click interface.

200,000 PLR Articles

IDPLR membership includes access to ContentXpress – the world’s largest PLR articles directory with over 200,000 PLR articles! All the content you download from ContentXpress is truly yours – you can use it on your or your clients websites, as a blog posts, forum posts, newsletter content, you can resell it – you can even claim yourself as the author! This new article platform is part of the IDPLR membership, so once you become a Gold Lifetime member you’ll be able to access it for free.

See, we have secured all the expensive PLR and Resell licenses, tutorials and tools, so that you can jump-start your business right away.

Buy PLR membership at IDPLR and stop wasting your time and money by signing up from one membership site to another. This will be the most important site you have ever joined because IDPLR has the best collection of software, ebooks, scripts, templates, and video tutorials with private label and resell rights available on the Internet.

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Take a look what you can do with all the PLR products included in the membership…

  • Use it as a content for your website or a blog. Break up ebooks and reports into articles or blog posts.
  • Sell products on your website, directories, forums, eBay, amazon, Tradebit, etc.
  • Create your own membership site or a web store.
  • Use the content to setup a newsletter for your subscribers.
  • Use the content for your autoresponders.
  • You can arrange a profitable Joint Venture with other Internet marketers and create special packages.
  • Give away the product as a gift to your new list, make your subscribers happy — you can even put your affiliate link in it to make some extra profit.
  • Make an eCourse and give it away to your subscribers — this is a great way to build a list.
  • Make money from Google AdSense — use content to create tons of AdSense sites.
  • Use the product as a bonus for your main product and raise your conversions.
  • Promote some affiliate product on ClickBank or JVzoo and offer the PLR as a bonus to customers who come through your affiliate link.
  • Use the PLR content to create your own info product which you can sell on ClickBank and JVzoo — Setup your own affiliate program and have others promote your product. To jumpstart your affiliate program, write a short and useful report, mention your product in there and allow your affiliates to put their affiliate links. Once your affiliates start giving it away to their visitors or subscribers, you’ll be making money on autopilot for many years to come.
  • Turn the product into video tutorial which you can sell, give to your visitors or submit to various video directories like YouTube, Vimeo to gain high quality traffic and backlinks to your website.
  • Turn the content into audio series or podcast.
  • Transform the content into mobile apps — This is a new popular way to make money in a hot market.
  • Create tangible product — Put the PLR product into CDs or DVDs and ship them to your customers. The shipping cost of a CD/DVD is cheap and people like to get stuff on their address.
  • Build a website with PLR and flip it — You can sell it on popular website marketplaces like or marketing forums like Warrior Forum.
  • Use the content to create informative press release — Submit it to press release websites to gain high quality traffic and permanent backlinks.
  • Rewrite the content and submit it to article directories or as a guest blog post on other people blogs — This is one of the best ways to build traffic and quality backlinks to your website
  • Make print books or reports — Many people still prefer to read a real live book.
  • Use the content for webinar or teleseminar.
  • Translate the PLR products into other languages to reach new audience!
  • Last but not least, you can learn and use the information within this package yourself.

Don’t miss out on your chance to get lifetime access to IDPLR Free PLR Membership Lifetime Deal. This IDPLR Free PLR Membership lifetime deal is available for a limited time only and will most likely be available in the future at a monthly cost.

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